Compliance & Integrity
With compliance being ever so important, can you demonstrate your compliance and anti-fraud policies actually work? By evaluating your corporate compliance and anti-fraud programs we ensure they are designed, deployed and effective in a way to meet the desired regulatory standards.
ISO 37001
Transparency and trust are the building blocks of every organization’s credibility. Nothing undermines the effectiveness of institutions and equitable business practises more than bribery. That’s why ISO 37001 exists. It is the International Standard that provides organizations the platform to prevent, detect and address bribery by:
Adopting an anti-bribery policy
Introducing oversight of anti-bribery compliance
Training across all levels of staff
Performing risk assessments and due diligence on projects and businesses
Implementing financial and commercial controls
Formalising reporting and investigation procedures.
Lack of legal grounds for collecting personal data; transparency in the processing of personal data; valid data processing consents…. can cost billions of euros. In providing a comprehensive service related to GDPR regulations, our team will determine the obligations arising for you from the GDPR regulations with regard to the specifics of your business, and point out possible deviations of your existing business concept from the requirements of the GDPR regulations. We will support you in assessing the impact on data protection and advise you on methods of eliminating the risk of data processing. We will warn you about the shortcomings identified through gap analysis and we will give you recommendations on how to eliminate the identified shortcomings.
Fraud Risk Assessment
We help clients address fraud risk proactively by understanding where it can occur and implementing strategies to combat it. As a result, organisations protect their reputation, improve their bottom line and achieve their fiduciary and regulatory obligations.
Communicating your values to all organisational levels is not an easy task. With our custom-made e-learnings and with the use of familiar platforms this becomes much easier and more accessible. Also, the certificate of completion for each user guarantees you got the message across.
Let’s work together
Contact us and we’ll pick it up from there.